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PanDao Update 1.2.21

Today we released another update with a lot of features. First, we added a new error message when molding is enforced and the material selected is not suited for molding:

Molding enforced but material is not suited for molding!

On request, we also added the summary from the report to the result section: 

Summary example

We are also starting to add new messages to PanDao which helps our users to fabricate and design their products. One such message shows up for example when a molding technology is used and warns the user that they have to take care of birefringence. Look out for more in the future.

At this point, we want to send a huge thanks to Dirk from Zeiss. With his inputs, we greatly improved the way we handle cemented optics. We added two new parameters. The first one is the diameter of the lens cemented to the specified surface. Up till now, PanDao only used the lens diameter to determine the cementing cost. If the lens cemented to the entered one is smaller than this assumption is wrong, therefore the new parameter is needed.

The Second parameter we added is the thickness of the layer between the two surfaces cemented. Normally this is not included on the lens drawing and needs to be defined by some fabrication specialist. In case you don’t have this information, 10um is a good assumption.

New cementing fields: Diameter of lens cemented to, layer thickness

We also allow now to cement additional materials like: calcium fluoride, glass ceramics, crystals and chalcogenide glasses. In addition, we updated our manual, which includes some delicate rules which have to be applied when cementing optics.

As another feature, we allow now to specify decenter for flat surfaces because in some cases the decenter opposing the lens casing needs to be taken care of.

To be compatible to ISO 10110 we also added a new quality parameter 3/C rotationally invariant. As not always all 3/ parameters are specified on a drawing, we added another selector where you can omit some of them:

Wavefront deformation tolerance new selector and (C) field

As with any updated, we added some smaller bug fixes and updated our internal technology database and material catalogues.

Please keep the feedbacks and bug reports coming, we are listening!